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How do I access data from ElasticSearch in AWS without Kibana?

I have been using AWS Firehose, Lambda and ElasticSearch to analyse and visualize Twitter data following this tutorial:


It works great and I can open the link to the Kibana dashboard and make the plots. However, I would like to display the plots in a custom built dashboard that I will build with HTML and javascript as part of a web app (I will use plotly.js to build plots).

How can I get the data from ElasticSearch into the javascript file to make the plots? Can I make the plots update in realtime like Kibana does

Is the endpoint an API? What javascript packages and commands do I need?

Do I even need ElasticSearch or could I just go straight from the S3 bucket which holds the streaming data into the app via a Lambda function? What are the advantages/disadvantages?

Please have a look at elastic apis

It's just a matter of consuming those APIs with any programmed ReST Client such as retrofit/okHttp etc.

A sample here : http://www.baeldung.com/elasticsearch-java

To implement this in JS , a simple call will serve your purpose : **Using JQuery

    url: 'http://<yourElasticHost:port>/',
    type: '<GET/PUT/POST etc>',
    data: 'ID=1', //
    success: function() { alert('done !!'); }

ElasticSearch includes lots of search options and it is Document-oriented . If the access speed, Scalability, fine tune queries based on json dsl are your requirements then you can definitely go for elastic approach

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