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Click on RecyclerView item in ViewHolder

In my ViewHolder i have a function:

    private fun setupAmountLabel(amountLabelView: CategorizedAmountView, category: Category?,
                             amount: Double, percent: String, isParentView: Boolean) {
    amountLabelView.setTitle(category?.getLocalizedName() ?: "")
    amountLabelView.setAmountAndCurrencyCode(amount, currencyCode)
    amountLabelView.setOnClickListener {
        listItemClickListener?.onListItemClick(if (isParentView) 1 else 0, category?.guid ?: "")

Where i want to click on my listItemParent. Earlier this function was in the adapter, and I called the adapter by creating the setListClickListener method. But now i didn t know how i can make click on this item.

where you initialized the list view can able to use this code.

listview.setOnItemClickListener(new OnItemClickListener() {
                public void onItemClick(AdapterView<?> parent, View view, int position,
                        long id) {



listView.setOnItemClickListener(new AdapterView.OnItemClickListener() {
    public boolean onItemClick(AdapterView<?> parent, View view, int position, long id) {
        //here you can use the position to determine what checkbox to check
        //this assumes that you have an array of your checkboxes as well. called checkbox



itemView.setOnClickListener { yourFunction() }

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