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JSF composite does not store state with StateHelper

I am developing a JSF composite that gets a complex data structure as argument:

<cc:interface componentType="MyComponent">
    <cc:attribute name="myModel"    required="true"     type="my.package.Model" />

The backing component processes this model using an init() method that is invoked in the composite via an event:

        <f:event type="postAddToView" listener="#{cc.init}" />

In this init() method I check if the model has already been processed (because I don't want to do that every time the user stays on the page, eg through ajax requests). Hence I store the processed model via StateHelper.put():

public void init() 
    if (getMyModel() == null)
        MyModel model = processModel(...);

public MyModel getMyModel()
    return (MyModel) getStateHelper().get("MyModel");

public void setMyModel(MyModel MyModel)
    getStateHelper().put("MyModel", MyModel);

I expect now, that if the init() method is invoked for example during an Ajax request (in the same view scope) it does not process the model a second time because I have stored it in the view scope via the StateHelper. But no matter what I try, if I click on a command link with void/null outcome the getMyModel() method always returns null. Any ideas?

Implementing the restoreState() method in the backing component and setting a breakpoint revealed the problem. The postAddToView event is processed before the invocation of restoreState() . Using preRenderView instead resolved the issue for me.

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