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Android emulator doesn't work

I am new to Xamarin and trying to run the ' Hello, Android ' application found in the introductory chapter of the official on-line Xamarin guide (link here ). I use Visual Studio Community 2017 (VS) .

I've created an Android Virtual Device (AVD) using Visual Studio's Android Emulator Manager tool. Here's a screenshot of the settings of the AVD I've set up:


My hardware specs are: Intel Core2 Duo 8400, 5GB of DDR2 667MHz RAM. I also use Win10 Enterprise.

Now, when try to run my application I initiate the AVD from within VS and after waiting for at least 5 minutes get the following screenshot from the Android Emulator:


How can I troubleshoot this error? As it is right now I simply cannot debug any Android application using Visual Studio and the specs described above.


I installed the exact same software on my laptop. The hardware specs of the laptop are: Core I5 4210U, 12GB DDR3 1600MHz.

Now the emulator runs smoothly, but, although I installed the same software I get a different GUI for the AVD. Anyway, problem solved. It seems the low hardware specifications was the issue.


Update 2:

It seems the AVD has problems. The build process intermittently halts at this point:

1 > Processing: obj\\Debug\\res\\layout\\main.xml

1 > Processing: obj\\Debug\\res\\values\\strings.xml

Also the sample application I tried to deploy (when the AVD starts) doesn't work.

Genymotion is an Android emulator that is free for personal use. It is what I use and it works very well. I would recommend trying that.

安装Intel HAXM并在AVD属性中启用Use Host GPU

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