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React Native multiline, value, smaller than placeholder in TextInput component

When adding text into a <TextInput> component with multiline set to false the value text matches the placeholder text font size, whereas if multiline is equal to true , the value text font size is smaller than the placeholder font size.

Is this a normal behaviour or a bug?



/* @flow */

import React from 'react'
import Separator from './components/Separator'
import {Button, StyleSheet, TextInput, View} from 'react-native'

const styles = StyleSheet.create({
    subject: {
        height: 20,
    body: {
        height: 100,

export default class NewQuestion extends React.Component {
    static navigationOptions = ({navigation}) => ({
        title: 'AIBU',
        headerLeft: (
                onPress={() => {

    state = {
        subject: '',
        body: '',

    render() {
        return (
                    onChangeText={subject => this.setState({subject})}
                    placeholder="Enter your AIBU subject..."
                <Separator />
                    onChangeText={body => this.setState({body})}
                    placeholder="Enter your AIBU description..."

As far as I see, the default font size is actually different for multiline and non-multiline TextInput -s. One way to handle this is by introducing another component which acts as an abstraction on top of TextInput :

 const styles = StyleSheet.create({ text: { fontFamily: 'System', fontStyle: 'normal', fontSize: 20, lineHeight: 20, letterSpacing: 0.6 } }) export default class AppTextInput extends Component { static propTypes = { style: TextInput.propTypes.style } static defaultProps = { style: {} } render() { return ( <TextInput {...this.props} style={[ styles.text, this.props.style ]} /> ) } } 

Now you can just use AppTextInput the same way TextInput is supposed to be used, and all issues related to styling inputs are covered in a single place.

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