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how to declare a template friend function to a variadic class

How do you declare a template function a friend of a variadic class, both inside and outside the class declaration?

For example, this is how I'd think you'd write it inside the class declaration, but I'm getting an undefined reference error.

#include <tuple>
#include <vector>

namespace ns
    class Example;

    template<class A, class... Bs>
    std::vector<A>& get(Example<Bs...>& pExample);

    template<class... As>
    class Example
        std::tuple<std::vector<As>...> mVectors;

        explicit Example(std::size_t pCapacity)
                : mVectors(std::vector<As>(pCapacity)...)

        template<class B> //Error: undefined reference to `std::vector<int,std::allocator<int> >& ns::get<int, int, float>(ns::Example<int, float>&)
        friend std::vector<B>& get(Example<As...>& pExample)
            return std::get<std::vector<B>>(pExample.mVectors);

Friend functions do not inherit the template parameter.

#include <tuple>
#include <vector>

namespace ns
    template<class... As>
    class Example;

    template<class B, class... As>
    std::vector<B>& get(Example<As...>& pExample);

    template<class... As>
    class Example
        std::tuple<std::vector<As>...> mVectors;

        explicit Example(std::size_t pCapacity)
            : mVectors(std::vector<As>(pCapacity)...)

        template<class B, class... Cs> // <----
        friend std::vector<B>& get(Example<Cs...>& pExample)
            return std::get<std::vector<B>>(pExample.mVectors);

int main()
    ns::Example<int,short,char> e(10);
    auto v = ns::get<int>(e);

Live example

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