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React keeping special characters in render

I am trying to render a carousel in react and it is working fine. The issue is with the special characters in the text. The carouselText contains some special characters are appearing like candidates instead of candidates'.

<div className="servicesslider">
            <Carousel slide={true} controls={false} activeIndex={this.state.index} direction={this.state.direction} onSelect={this.handleSelect}>
              { servicesData.slice(0,5).map((sdata, i) =>
                <Carousel.Item key={i}>
                  <img className="carousel-image" width={557} height={427} alt="first" title="first" src={sdata.carouselImage} />
                  <div className="carousel-body">
                    <p dangerouslySetInnerHTML={ { __html: sdata.carouselText } }></p>                        

Please suggest me a solution for this.


write it as {'your value'}

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