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How can I echo a files last modified time in a batch file?

I have this code that echos if a file has been modified today or not. How can I add so it can echo not only that the file was modified today, but also at what time?

Like for example "File modified today at %modifytime%".

@echo off
for %%F in (C:\temp\file.txt) do (for /F %%D in ("%%~tF") do (set mdate=%%D))
for /F "tokens=2" %%D in ('date/t') do set cdate=%%D
if "%date%"=="%mdate%" echo File modified today
if not "%date%"=="%mdate%" echo File not modified today

Here's an quick idea using the built-in ForFiles command:

@Echo Off
For %%A In ("C:\temp\file.txt") Do (If Not "%__CD__%"=="%%~dpA" PushD "%%~dpA"
    ForFiles /M "%%~nxA" /D 0 /C^
    "Cmd /C Echo @File was modified today0x09@fDate @fTime"2>Nul||(
    Echo "%%A" not modified today))

As with your example, this idea allows you to replace the single file between the parentheses on line 3 with:

  • * to output for every file in the current directory.
  • "C:\\temp\\file1.txt" "C:\\somewhere\\fileZ.exe" to output for multiple known files.
    Special Note: The use of PushD without a PopD may restrict the number of different directories; if using this option please use sparingly.

For safety, I recommend your entries between those parentheses be double quoted.

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