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ReactJS: How to get state value into container?

I need to get data from DB depending on a search string value. Therefore I'm using an input field. The search string is stored as a state value.

The data for the component comes from a container (using npm meteor/react-meteor-data).

Now my problem is, how do I get the search string into the container to set the parameter for the publication?


export default createContainer((prop) => {
    Meteor.subscribe('images', searchString) // How to get searchString?
    return { files: Images.find({}).fetch() }
}, Example)


class Example extends Component {
    constructor(props) {
        this.state = {
            searchString: ''

    searchImage(event) {
        const searchString = event.target.value
        this.setState({ searchString })

    render() {
        return (<Input onChange={ this.searchImage.bind(this) }/>)

export default Example


Meteor.publish('images', function(search) {
    return Images.find({ title: search }).cursor
onChange={ (e)=> {this.setState({ searchString: $(e.target).val() }) } }

This is how we assign values to our internal state properties :)

EDIT: I appear to have misunderstood the question...

Maybe you can create two different components: a parent and a child, and you can wrap child component with createContainer HOC like the following


const Example = (props) => {
    return <Input onChange={props.searchImage}/>

export default createContainer(({searchString}) => {
Meteor.subscribe('images', searchString)
    return { files: Images.find({}).fetch() }
}, Example)


class ExampleWrapper extends Component {
    constructor(props) {
        this.state = {
            searchString: ''

    searchImage = (event)  => {
        const searchString = event.target.value
        this.setState({ searchString })
    } // instead of binding this, you can also use arrow function that 
      // takes care of binding

    render() {
        return (<Example searchImage={this.searchImage} searchString={this.state.searchString} {...this.props} />)

export default ExampleWrapper

The idea is, since createContainer is a higher order component, it doesn't have access to the props of any component wrapped by it.

What we need to do is, passing the value of searchString from a parent component. The way to do is the following: ExampleWrapper has a state called searchString and Example component has a prop called searchString . We can set the value of searchString prop to state.searchString . Since the default export corresponds to createContainer({..some logic…}, Example}) , createContainer can make use of prop called searchString .

In order to change the value of state.searchString we also passed searchImage function as a prop to Example component. Whenever there is a change event, onChange triggers searchImage function that updates the value of state.searchString . And eventually, the minute the value of state.searchString changes searchString prop's value changes thus your subscription result also changes

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