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How to send email if date in mysql is today

What I really need is to create function in php to send email when field_number 7 date is today. And I need send data for only for example lead_id 1 if lead_id 1 field_number 7 data is today. When script will be created I want to add cron job to this file, so that it each day would check current day. My mysql data looks like below:


I am not programmer, but as far as I know code must look something like this:

//authentication for database
$hostname = "localhost";
$username = "admin";
$password = "xxxxxx";

//connection to the database
$dbhandle = mysql_connect($hostname, $username, $password) 
or die("Unable to connect to MySQL");

//select a database to work with
$selected = mysql_select_db("notification",$dbhandle) 
or die("Could not select examples");

//execute the SQL query and return records
$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM tbl_lead WHERE pass_expiry >= DATE(NOW() + INTERVAL 1 DAY");

//variable for email message
$emailBody = "";
$headers = 'From: Pass Validity Reminder' . "\r\n" .
'Reply-To: myemail@email.com' . "\r\n" .
'Cc: ccemail@Wemail. com' . "\r\n".
'X-Mailer: PHP/' . phpversion();
$to = "myemail@email.com";

//fetch tha data from the database 
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))

Considering the table structure in the image use below SQL statement to get all matching records

$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM YOURTABLENAME WHERE lead_id='1' and field_number='7' and value=CURRENT_DATE();


$result = mysql_query("SELECT lead_id, form_id, field_number, value FROM YOURTABLENAME WHERE field_number='7' and value=CURRENT_DATE();

Above query will provide all records with field_number 7 and value is today date

while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){
        //send email to all lead_id 1

        //send email to all lead_id 1

    .... Add leads to whom you have to send email

If you want to retrieve data based on current date then you can use this sql query

$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM tbl_lead WHERE pass_expiry=CURRENT_DATE()");

This query will select all the today's date data

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