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QML MouseArea hover stops working after changing the value when component clicked

I have the following code:

property var isEnabled: true;

Text {
    id: iconName
    color: isEnabled ?(mouseArea.containsMouse ? "blue": "white"): "black" 
MouseArea {
    id: mouseArea
    anchors.fill: parent
    propagateComposedEvents: true
    hoverEnabled: true
                isEnabled = false;
                isEnabled = true;
        mouse.accepted = false;

When I launch the application, if I hover over iconName, the color changes from blue to white (depending on whether the mouse is over the text or not).

If I click, iconName turns blue, but I was expecting to see it changes to black.

Am I missing something? Any tip?


MouseArea component might be an unexpected size. Color the MouseArea component to make sure that you are clicking in the right place, for example:

Item {
    id: topItem

    property var isEnabled: true;

    width: 50

    Text {
        id: iconName
        color: topItem.isEnabled ?(mouseArea.containsMouse ? "blue": "white"): "black"
        text: "hello world!"
        font.pointSize: 20
    MouseArea {
        id: mouseArea
        anchors.fill: parent
        propagateComposedEvents: true
        hoverEnabled: true
                    topItem.isEnabled = false;
                    topItem.isEnabled = true;
            mouse.accepted = false;

        Rectangle {
            anchors.fill: mouseArea
            color: "red"
            opacity: 0.2

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