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pyOpenSSL's PKCS7 object provide very little information, how can I get the sha1 digest of the public key in the signature

I would like to parse android apk's CERT.RSA in Python. I know it can be parsed with pyOpenSSL

import OpenSSL

cert = OpenSSL.crypto.load_certificate(OpenSSL.crypto.FILETYPE_ASN1, open('CERT.RSA', 'rb').read())

cert = OpenSSL.crypto.load_pkcs7_data(type, buffer)

cert is of type 'OpenSSL.crypto.PKCS7'.

BUT right now PKCS7 object is not complete, I cannot get attributes I need, is there any alternative way to parse that file?

Comments : I don't know if there's a way to convert it to another format so it can be parsed

You can convert PKCS#7 to PEM using openssl , PEM is readable using PyOpenSSL

openssl pkcs7 -print_certs -in sample.p7b -out sample.cer

Question : ... how can I get the sha1 digest of the public key in the signature

It's not implemented, the Pull Request stalles since 2015.
Useing the code from the Pull Request you can doit.

From : GitHub pyca/pyopenssl: implement getters for pkcs#7 certificates, crl's, and data #367

 def get_certificates(self): from OpenSSL.crypto import _lib, _ffi, X509 """ https://github.com/pyca/pyopenssl/pull/367/files#r67300900 Returns all certificates for the PKCS7 structure, if present. Only objects of type ``signedData`` or ``signedAndEnvelopedData`` can embed certificates. :return: The certificates in the PKCS7, or:const:`None` if there are none. :rtype: :class:`tuple` of:class:`X509` or:const:`None` """ certs = _ffi.NULL if self.type_is_signed(): certs = self._pkcs7.d.sign.cert elif self.type_is_signedAndEnveloped(): certs = self._pkcs7.d.signed_and_enveloped.cert pycerts = [] for i in range(_lib.sk_X509_num(certs)): pycert = X509.__new__(X509) # pycert._x509 = _lib.sk_X509_value(certs, i) # According to comment from @ Jari Turkia # to prevent segfaults use '_lib.X509_dup(' pycert._x509 = _lib.X509_dup(_lib.sk_X509_value(certs, i)) pycerts.append(pycert) if not pycerts: return None return tuple(pycerts)


pkcs7 = crypto.load_pkcs7_data(crypto.FILETYPE_ASN1, open('signature.der', 'rb').read())
certs = get_certificates(pkcs7)
for cert in certs:

Output :

 (<OpenSSL.crypto.X509 object at 0xf671b62c>, <OpenSSL.crypto.X509 object at 0xf671b86c>) digest:b'48:19:A4:2A:56:94:22:14:73:EC:2B:01:45:9E:0B:87:92:44:26:5E:57:AF:59:F5:4C:89:F3:79:83:14:11:A3' digest:b'25:BC:AC:86:8F:51:8B:EE:47:CC:8B:A7:78:91:7E:86:09:56:19:4B:B9:C4:10:1B:DF:13:CA:A6:54:E1:F7:4C'

Tested with Python:3.4.2 - OpenSSL:17.1.0 - cryptography:1.9 - cffi:1.10.0


OpenSSL.crypto.load_pkcs7_data(type, buffer)

Load pkcs7 data from the string buffer encoded with the type type.
The type type must either FILETYPE_PEM or FILETYPE_ASN1).

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