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How to spy on es6 class methods that are set at run time using Jest

I have a React component that has a handleChange method. This method is roughly as follows:

handleChange({ target }) {
        const [file] = target.files
        const urlReader = new FileReader()
        urlReader.onload = (event) => {
            const canvas = this.canvas
            const image = new Image()
            image.onload = () => {
                draw(image, canvas)   
            image.src = event.target.result

My dilemma is that I want to spy on the onload functions that are set in this but they are set at run time.

I have spent some time mocking out FileReader and Image but can't wrap my head around this.

How can I achieve this with Jest?

How about accepting the FileReader as a parameter, so that you can then create your own in the unit test, spy on it, and then pass it as a parameter like so:

Modify your handleChange function to accept a FileReader as a parameter, which is created automatically if none is passed:

handleChange({ target }, urlReader = new FileReader()) {
        const [file] = target.files
        urlReader.onload = (event) => {
            const canvas = this.canvas
            const image = new Image()
            image.onload = () => {
                draw(image, canvas)   
            image.src = event.target.result

In the unit test, you will have something like this (you might need to change some syntax) :

const urlReader = new FileReader()
const urlReaderSpy = jest.spyOn(urlReader, 'onLoad')

handleChange(event, urlReader)

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