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POST request through Guzzle php

hi i wanted to make a post request to dropbox.i found there is this guzzle which can be easily send http req using php. here the http code given by dropbox

    `POST /2/files/list_folder
    Host: https://api.dropboxapi.com
    User-Agent: api-explorer-client
    Authorization: Bearer <access-token>
    Content-Type: application/json
    "path": "",
    "recursive": false,
    "include_media_info": true,
    "include_deleted": false,
    "include_has_explicit_shared_members": false

This is my php code i coded for above request;

        'Authorization'=>'Bearer '.$API,

            'include_media_info'=> 'true',
            'include_deleted'=> 'false',
            'include_has_explicit_shared_members'=> 'false'


$headers = $response->getHeaders();
$body =$response->getBody();
//Output headers and body for debugging purposes

this should give something similar to following ,but i get a small array

    {"entries": [
".tag": "folder",
  "name": "Photos",
  "path_lower": "/photos",
  "path_display": "/Photos",
  "id": "id:bwGPfg_v6ZUAAAAAAAAAOA"

what i missed here? PS:im new to php related stuff :)

You are sending JSON, not an HTML form. So use 'json' instead of 'form_params' .

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