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Consider defining a bean of type 'org.hibernate.SessionFactory' in your configuration

I am new to JavaEE and i have been working on a simlpe Springboot project. Each time i run it i get this error:

Please feel free to answer to my question and any improvemnet in the code is Highly Appreciate.

Field sessionFactory in com.example.dao.CartDaoImpl required a bean of type 'org.hibernate.SessionFactory' that could not be found.


Consider defining a bean of type 'org.hibernate.SessionFactory' in your configuration.

It is possible to get Session from EntityManager which is already configured in spring-boot-starter-data-jpa . So inject EntityManager instead of SessionFactory:

    private EntityManager entityManager;

    private Session getSession() {
        return entityManager.unwrap(Session.class);

And use getSession() method where you need.

  1. you need:
    • Add the SessionFactory bean in the Application class.
    • Add the Current Session Context class in application.properties.
    • Use the SessionFactory using @Autowired annotation.
    • add into application.properties


and add this

  1. you use @Transactional, but you didn't configured it.You should also configure it. add @EnableTransactionManagement into config class and config this bean.

here is good example for configuration A Guide to Hibernate with Spring 4

Just remarks: 1# you use in UserServiceImpl for example

public class UserServiceImpl implements UserService {...

use only @Component or @Service but not both as it's redundant. Service is alread a Component.

2# in methods where you have only read operation us instead of default @Transactional this @Transactional(readOnly = true)

3# in methods like void addCustomerOrder(CustomerOrder customerOrder); better return boolean or some object like CustomerOrder than return just void.

4# class Queries is not Serializable

5# better use lazy as default value than fetch = FetchType.EAGER

6# dao class CartDaoImpl has dependency on service class, it's strange.

7# in some cases you have transaction on dao level in another on service

8# if you can create sub package impl and move all implementation into one.

you will have com.dao with N interfaces and com.dao.impl with N implementations for them, and not one package com.dao with N+N intercases and classes

add this into pom.xml


and create package configs com.configs and configure like DatabaseConfig

i see you project and i found that there is no SessionFactory class or configuration for SessionFactory into your project and you are use @Autowired for SessionFactory in CartDaoImpl clas. that is the main issue. you need to configure the SessionFactory

yo can refer bellow example: http://www.devglan.com/spring-boot/spring-boot-hibernate-5-example

Create service and use it to get session from EntityManager:

public class HibernateService {

    private EntityManager entityManager;

    public <R> NativeQuery<R> createNativeQuery(String sqlString, Class<R> resultClass) {
        return getSession().createNativeQuery(sqlString, resultClass);

    public NativeQuery createNativeQuery(String sqlString) {
        return getSession().createNativeQuery(sqlString);

    public Session getSession() {
        return entityManager.unwrap(Session.class);

you can add more methods to reduce amount of written code.

Using Hibernate 5 simple check the below

-- Check the base package is scan (HibernateConfig.java)

-- Check the valid annotation in file @Configuration @EnableTransactionManagement

-- check the all valid beans are created or not LocalSessionFactoryBean,HibernateTransactionManager,HibernateTemplate

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