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Go to frame after HTML5 video playback end

I have a simple HTML page on which I've set up a fullscreen background video (no loop) using the Vide plugin .

Now it works wonders, however I want the video to "freeze" on its last frame to display a logo I've included at the end of the video. It naturally does in all browsers except for Safari. If, after the video ends, I happen to go to another tab and come back, safari switches to displaying a random frame in the video as "poster", for no apparent reason.

To avoid this, I thought I could add a script to make the video go to somewhere in the last frames after it has ended, and I've found the following tip:

v.addEventListener("ended", function(){
this.currentTime = 0;

I've tried incorporating into my page but it's not working and I was hoping someone might be able to point me in the right direction?

Vide says the following:

// Get instance of the plugin
var instance = $('#yourElement').data('vide');

// Get video element of the background. Do what you want.

And I've come up with this:


<div id="video" data-vide-bg="video/video" data-vide-options="loop: false, muted: true, position: 50% 50%">


<script type="text/javascript">
    var video = $('#video').data('vide');

    video.getVideoObject().addEventListener("ended", function() { 
       this.currentTime = 1; 

Thank you in advance for all your help!

  1. On the ended event get the .duration of the video
  2. Next set .currentTime to .duration
  3. Then .pause()

In order to get the real video tag from the Vide plugin replace:

 var vid1 = document.getElementById('vid1') 


 var vid1 = document.querySelector('video'); 

in the demo. Doing so should be able to directly control the video unless the plugin uses an <iframe> or doesn't use a <video> tag at all. To verify do the following when you play the video:

  1. Chrome, Firefox, IE, and Edge F12 or Safari ⌘ command + ⌥ option + c

  2. Select the "Element" (or equivalent ie first tab) tab

  3. ctrl + F or ⌘ command + F

  4. Search for the <video> tag by finding the plugin id hook. (ie the id of the element that uses the plugin.)

  5. There should be a <video> tag, an <iframe> , or maybe <object> within that element that the plugin hooks into.

  6. If it's a <video> you're in business, the other 2 tags are highly unlikely (especially an <iframe> since this is a background video.)


 <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <style> </style> </head> <body> <video id="vid1" class="vid" src="http://html5demos.com/assets/dizzy.mp4" controls></video> <script> var vid1 = document.getElementById('vid1'); vid1.addEventListener('ended', captureFrame); function captureFrame(e) { var lastFrame = this.duration; this.currentTime = lastFrame; this.pause(); } </script> </body> </html> 

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