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How to implement the Module design pattern in JavaScript

I am reviewing some design patterns in JavaScript. My first design pattern is the module pattern. After researching a bit I built the following example:

var CarCostEstimation = (function() {

    //Let's imagine script is getting best price from different api's
    function getBestMotorCost() {

        return 3000;

    function getBestChasisCost() {
        return 1000;

    function getBestWheelsCost() {
        return 400;

    return {
        getEstimatedCost: function() {
            var chasisCost = getBestChasisCost();
            var motorCost = getBestMotorCost();
            var wheelsCost = getBestWheelsCost();

            return chasisCost + motorCost + wheelsCost;


var totalCost = CarCostEstimation.getEstimatedCost();

I have two doubts:

  1. If the way I am calling the "private" methods, in my public method is the correct one.

  2. If I want to add this CarCostEstimation module to another Estimation module, how would it do it?

For point 2:

var CostEstimation = (function() {

    var estimationObject;

    function sumDifferentEstimations() {

    return {
        addEstimationObjetc: function(object) {
            estimationObject = object

        getTotalCost: function() {
            return sumDifferentEstimations();


Another way to define your functions. (I'm also using some ES6 syntax)

    const CarCostEstimation = function() {
      return {
        getBestMotorCost: () => 3000,
        getBestChasisCost: () => 1000,
        getBestWheelsCost: () => 400,
        getEstimatedCost: function() {
          const chasisCost = this.getBestChasisCost();
          const motorCost  = this.getBestMotorCost();
          const wheelsCost = this.getBestWheelsCost();

          return chasisCost + motorCost + wheelsCost;

    const totalCost = CarCostEstimation.getEstimatedCost();

To export your function as a module, you could use the export statement from ES6 and import your module using the import statement


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