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How can I programmatically link a commit to a work item in TFS? (need second GUID in LinkedArtifactURI)

I am attempting to programmatically link a commit to a work item in TFS and I think I'm close. When creating a new ExternalLink , I'm struggling to form the LinkedArtifactUri property. I can run a simple query for a work item to see this property should like something like the following:


So I set out to determine where the GUIDs in this string come from and I was able to figure out the first two, but am currently stumped on the last one. The first GUID is the project ID (retrievable by doing something like _store.Value.Projects[TEAM_NAME].guid . The second is the Git Repo ID. Can someone please inform me as to what the third GUID might be?

Here is my code that should work if I can figure out where to get that last GUID:

var item = _store.Value.GetWorkItem(165464); //work item id #
var gitRepoService = _projectCollection.GetService<GitRepositoryService>();
var gitProjectRepoService = gitRepoService.QueryRepositories("TEAM_NAME");
var defaultGitRepo = gitProjectRepoService.Single(gr => 

var gitGuid = defaultGitRepo.Id;

var proj = _store.Value.Projects["TEAM_NAME"];
var id = proj.Guid;

var linkToAdd = new ExternalLink(_store.Value.RegisteredLinkTypes[ArtifactLinkIds.Commit], $"vstfs:///Git/Commit/{id}%{gitGuid}%{Where_does_this_guid_come_from}");

Thank you very much for your time. Please let me know if I am being unclear or if you need anything else from me.

The third GUID should be the commit ID , it's the full commit ID. You can get it via REST API

To link a commit to a work item, you can refer to this helpful article , it has the detail steps and code sample for your reference.

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