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Error occurs when installing rJava

When I try to install the rJava package the following error occurs:

Error in ibrary(rJava) : could not find function "ibrary" > library("rJava", lib.loc="~/R/R-3.4.0/library") Error: package or namespace load failed for 'rJava': .onLoad in loadNamespace() für 'rJava' fehlgeschlagen, Details: Aufruf: fun(libname, pkgname)
Fehler: JAVA_HOME cannot be determined from the Registry >

What can I do?

To troubleshoot this, start by checking if java is installed or not. Then check if JAVA_HOME variable is set or not by echo $JAVA_HOME .

If it returns nothing and java is installed, then do export $JAVA_HOME=/your/path .

Installation instructions are available here .

It's probably best to uninstall Java.

Then download and install a new version of Java this should set your JAVA_HOME .

Now try installing rJava.

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