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How to made a multi-lang webpage with JSON and vanilla JavaScript

I would like to made way to translate a webpage using JSON files and vanilla JS functions.

I have these 2 files:


        <!-- blah blah blah -->
        <h1> <var>GLOBAL.CONTENT.SAMPLE_TEXT</var> </h1>
        <h2> <var>OTHER.TEST.TEST</var> </h2>
            <i> <var>GLOBAL.CONTENT.LOADING</var> </i>


    "global": {
        "content": {
            "loading": "Loading...",
            "sample_text": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.",
    "other": {
        "test": {
            "test": "THIS IS A TEST"

I already know how to parse the JSON to a new Object variable and how to access to every variable. But what I don't know is how to made every <var></var> to replace its actual content with its corresponding path, example:

<h1> <var>GLOBAL.CONTENT.LOADING</var> </h1>
            <h1> Loading... </h1>

And so on... Thanks in advance.

Add this in a script tag right before your body closes:

 // Object parsed from JSON data. var translations = { "global": { "content": { "loading": "Loading...", "sample_text": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.", } }, "other": { "test": { "test": "THIS IS A TEST" } } }; // Loop through each var element. [].forEach.call(document.getElementsByTagName('var'), function (translate) { // Parse the translation path. var path = translate .textContent .trim() .toLowerCase() .split('.'); try { // Assumed that every translation is three levels deep, else print empty string. translate.textContent = path.length === 3 ? translations[path[0]][path[1]][path[2]] : ''; } catch (e) { // Log errors to console if any, and use empty string instead of translation. console.error(e); translate.textContent = ''; } }); 
 <html> <head> <!-- blah blah blah --> </head> <body> <h1> <var>GLOBAL.CONTENT.SAMPLE_TEXT</var> </h1> <h2> <var>OTHER.TEST.TEST</var> </h2> <p> <i> <var>GLOBAL.CONTENT.LOADING</var> </i> </p> </body> </html> 

Using javascript new Function method

 //Parsed data var json= { "global": { "content": { "loading": "Loading...", "sample_text": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.", } }, "other": { "test": { "test": "THIS IS A TEST" } } }; //Insert the data var varTags=document.getElementsByTagName("var"); for(var i =0;i<varTags.length;i++){ try{ varTags[i].textContent=( new Function('return this.'+varTags[i].textContent.toLowerCase()+';')).call(json); }catch(e){ varTags[i].textContent=""; console.log("Error in <var/> Tag: "+e.message); } } 
 <html> <head> <!-- blah blah blah --> </head> <body> <h1> <var>GLOBAL.CONTENT.SAMPLE_TEXT</var> </h1> <h2> <var>OTHER.TEST.TEST</var> </h2> <p> <i> <var>GLOBAL.CONTENT.LOADING</var> </i> </p> </body> </html> 

Use document.getElementsByTagName('var') to retrieve all tags var . And use either innerText (if your templates only contais plain text) or innerHTML (if your templates contains HTML) to read out and modify the inner content.

var allVars = document.getElementsByTagName('var');
for(var i = 0; i < allVars.length; i++) {
    var thisVar = allVars[i];


    thisVar.innerText = 'Hi there';

Demo fiddle

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