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Gulp.js Ignoring source Control Files

I have a project structure some thing like:


I am trying to use gulp to copy src to dest However i want to ignore all CVS folders [souce control] in all levels. Tried gulp-filter or !{dir} at src, nothing works...

Here is my gulpfile.js code for the same:

Doesnt work:

 gulp.task('default', function() {
.pipe(filter(['*', '!'+myDir+'/CVS/**']))

Nor Does this:

 gulp.task('default', function() {
 gulp.src([myDir+'/**', '!'+myDir+'/CVS/**'])

Two issues:

  1. You're only excluding the top level CVS folder. To exclude any folder/subfolder named CVS , you need to use '!' + myDir + '/**/CVS/**' '!' + myDir + '/**/CVS/**' .
  2. CVS/** will select all the contents of a CVS folder, but not the folder itself. If you want to exclude both the folder and its contents, do it explicitly: '!' + myDir + '/**/CVS', '!' + myDir + '/**/CVS/**' '!' + myDir + '/**/CVS', '!' + myDir + '/**/CVS/**' '!' + myDir + '/**/CVS', '!' + myDir + '/**/CVS/**' .

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