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how can I export multiple divs to one pdf file by using kendo?

This is Kendo's example code about how to export DOM to pdf

 <div id="calendar"></div> <script> $("#calendar").kendoCalendar(); var draw = kendo.drawing; draw.drawDOM($("#calendar")) .then(function(root) { // Chaining the promise via then return draw.exportPDF(root, { paperSize: "A4", landscape: true }); }) .done(function(data) { // Here 'data' is the Base64-encoded PDF file kendo.saveAs({ dataURI: data, fileName: "calendar.pdf" }); }); </script> 
What if I have multiple divs to export? For example, I have #calendar1, #calendar2, and I'd like to export all #calendars into one pdf file. Is that possible?

I think I find an answer in this example.

Telerik PDF Export

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