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Scrapy: How to find highest/lowest values from a number of values?

I am trying to write a crawler using Scrapy/Python, that reads some values from a page.

I then want this crawler to store the highest and lowest values in seperate fields.

So far, I am able to read the values from the page (please see my code below), but I am not sure how to calculate the lowest and highest value and store in separate fields ?

For example, say the crawler reads the page and returns these values

  • t1-score = 75.25
  • t2-score = 85.04
  • t3-score = '' (value missing)
  • t4-score = 90.67
  • t5-score = 50.00

So I want to populate ....

  • 'highestscore': 90.67
  • 'lowestscore': 50.00

How do I do that ? Do I need to use an array ? Put all values in array and then pick the highest/lowest ?

Any help is very appreciated.

Here is my code so far .... I am storing -1, in case of missing values.

 class MySpider(BaseSpider):
            name = "courses"
            start_urls = ['http://www.example.com/courses-listing']
            allowed_domains = ["example.com"]
            def parse(self, response):
             hxs = Selector(response)
             for courses in response.xpath("//meta"):
             d = {
                 'courset1score': float(courses.xpath('//meta[@name="t1-score"]/@content').extract_first('').strip() or -1),
                 'courset2score': float(courses.xpath('//meta[@name="t2-score"]/@content').extract_first('').strip() or -1),
                 'courset3score': float(courses.xpath('//meta[@name="t3-score"]/@content').extract_first('').strip() or -1),
                 'courset4score': float(courses.xpath('//meta[@name="t4-score"]/@content').extract_first('').strip() or -1),
                 'courset5score': float(courses.xpath('//meta[@name="t5-score"]/@content').extract_first('').strip() or -1),
             d['highestscore'] = max(d.values())
             d['lowestscore'] = min(d.values())
             'pagetitle': courses.xpath('//meta[@name="pagetitle"]/@content').extract_first(),
             'pageurl': courses.xpath('//meta[@name="pageurl"]/@content').extract_first(),

             for url in hxs.xpath('//ul[@class="scrapy"]/li/a/@href').extract():
              // yield Request(response.urljoin(url), callback=self.parse)
              yield d

Build the dictionary before the yield statement. This will let you reference the values already in the dictionary.

for courses in response.xpath("//meta"):
    d = {'courset1score': float(courses.xpath('//meta[@name="t1-score"]/@content').extract_first('').strip() or -1),
         'courset2score': float(courses.xpath('//meta[@name="t2-score"]/@content').extract_first('').strip() or -1),
         'courset3score': float(courses.xpath('//meta[@name="t3-score"]/@content').extract_first('').strip() or -1),
         'courset4score': float(courses.xpath('//meta[@name="t4-score"]/@content').extract_first('').strip() or -1),
         'courset5score': float(courses.xpath('//meta[@name="t5-score"]/@content').extract_first('').strip() or -1),

    d['highestscore'] = max(d.values())
    d['lowestscore'] = min(d.values())
    yield d

Assuming we have this html document example:

body = """
<meta name="t1-score" content="10"></meta>
<meta name="t2-score" content="20"></meta>
<meta name="t3-score" content="5"></meta>
<meta name="t4-score" content="8"></meta>
sel = Selector(text=body)

We can extract scores, convert to number objects and use inbuilt min and max functions.

# you can use this xpath to select any score 
scores = sel.xpath("//meta[re:test(@name, 't\d-score')]/@content").extract()
# ['10', '20', '5', '8']
scores = [float(score) for score in scores]
# [10.0, 20.0, 5.0, 8.0]
# 5.0
# 20.0

Combining output:

item = dict()
item['max_score'] = max(scores)
item['min_score'] = min(scores)
for i, score in enumerate(scores):
    item['score{}'.format(i)] = score

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