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Mailto link open in new tab only if web mail client

I have a web page that creates a list of contacts and their email addresses. You have two options for the mailto link, (1) open it in the current window or (2) open it in a new tab/window.

I see potential drawbacks from both sides:

  • For web mail clients (eg gmail) option 1 is not ideal because it hijacks the window then, and the user must navigate back to the application in some fashion
  • For desktop mail clients, the first option is not ideal because now you have a blank window/tab left open

Is there anyway to "detect" if the opened webpage has content and close it if not?

Based on this link:

Detecting web-based mail client vs local mail client for a mailto link

I tried the following to get the body :

const windowRef = window.open(`mailto:${email}`, '_blank')
const body = windowRef.document.body

The problem I was running into was that the body of each document was empty: <body></body>

I assume this was because it didn't have enough time to load the page, so I attempted to setTimeout but then I got a Blocked a frame with origin "myhostman" from accessing a cross-origin frame.

Any ideas on a way to support both web and desktop mail clients without the drawbacks listed above?

This is pretty kludgy, but it might do what you need:

You can have a SendEmail() function defined like this:

  function SendEmail() { const windowRef = window.open(`mailto:email@address.com`, '_blank'); windowRef.focus(); windowRef.onfocus = function() { return; } setTimeout(function(){ windowRef.close(); },500); }

and your html looks something like this:

<a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="SendEmail();">email</a>

The idea behind this is that, if your user has a webmail as their default email client, then the function will just exit; however, if the user has a desktop email client, the new window will lose focus triggering the setTimeout() closing the new opened window.

My test works well using this JSFiddle but is "half" tested, I mean, since I don't have a webmail client set as my default client, I can't confirm this will actually work as you want, however I can confirm that the window closed when my desktop email client opened...


Forget the function above, I slightly modified it to this:

function SendEmail() {
  const windowRef = window.open(`mailto:email@address.com`, '_blank');


    if(!windowRef.document.hasFocus()) {
  }, 500);


I tested this in Firefox by setting Gmail and Yahoo! as my default email clients, and the new opened tab remained opened; then I changed it back to my desktop email client, and the new opened tab closed. I did the same test using Vivaldi, and IE Edge (where my desktop client is set as the default one), and the results were successfully the same. Here's the updated JSFiddle .

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