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Chaining JavaScript promises in a loop - bluebird

I have been reading up on promises using bluebird and have been trying to achieve the following:

I need to run func1 and func2 till the loop is over. Once that's done, I would like to run func3. The code is as follows:

Note: All the functions have a callback function (to show that the operation has completed successfully)

var jsObj = ["1", "2", "3", "4", "5"]; // has 5 elements

for (var i = 0; i < jsObj.length; i++) {
var arr1 = [];
arr1 = jsObj[i];
func1(arr1).then(function(returnVal1) {
// finished func1
 func2(returnVal1).then(function(returnVal2) {
// finished func2
} // end of loop

// Now, I need to run the last function once the loop is complete
var data = ["1222"];
func3(data, function() {
alert("all done");

func1 and func2 are done using promises whereby the result is returned in the callback function variables returnVal1 and returnVal2. How can I chain/condense these three together so that one runs after the other in a loop and then runs func3 using just promises?


Map the data to promises, then use promise.all:

var jsObj = ["1", "2", "3", "4", "5"]; // has 5 elements

var promises = jsObj.map(function(obj){
 return func1(obj).then(function(value){
   return func2(value).then(function(val){
     return val;

 alert("all done");

You may also chain the promises eg:


instead of

var jsObj = ["1", "2", "3", "4", "5"]; // has 5 elements

for (var i = 0; i < jsObj.length; i++) {

   func1(jsObj[i]).then(function(returnVal1) {
        // finished func1
       func2(returnVal1).then(function(returnVal2) {
         // finished func2
} // end of loop

// Now, I need to run the last function once the loop is complete
var count = 0;
function finalFn(){
  if(count == jsObj.length){
     var data = ["1222"];
     func3(data, function() {
       alert("all done");

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