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Google DataProc Spark - getting “permission denied (publickey)” error when trying to SSH to a worker node

small cluster. 1 master, 2 workers. I can access all nodes (master+slave) just fine using gcloud SDK. However, once I access the master node and try to ssh to a slave node, I get "permission denied (publickey)" error. Note that I can ping the node successfully, but SSH does not work.

Dataproc does not install SSH keys between the master and worker nodes, so that is working as intended.

You may be able to use SSH agent forwarding. With something like:

# Add Compute Engine private key to SSH agent
ssh-add ~/.ssh/google_compute_engine
# Forward key to SSH agent of master
gcloud compute ssh --ssh-flag="-A" [CLUSTER]-m
# SSH into worker
ssh [CLUSTER]-w-0

You could also configure SSH keys using an initialization action or use gcloud ssh from the master node (if you gave the cluster the compute.rw scope).

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