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zipWithIndex rdd with initial value

I have a RDD like this:

|firstName |lastName|
|      john|   smith|
|      anna|  tourde|

I wouldLike to create a new column as we can do with zipWithIndex but giving and initial value of 8.

|firstName |lastName|index|
|      john|   smith|    8|
|      anna|  tourde|    9|

Do you have any idea? Thanks

rdd.zipWithIndex().map { case (v, ind) =>
  (v, ind + 8)

use zipWithIndex and convert back to dataframe as below

val df1 = spark.sqlContext.createDataFrame(
    df.rdd.zipWithIndex.map {
  case (row, index) => Row.fromSeq(row.toSeq :+ index + 8)
// Create schema for index column
StructType(df.schema.fields :+ StructField("index", LongType, false)))

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