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How to verify my SSL(https) Certificate is working for Openfire?

I had done the following steps:

  1. Create Keystore

    $ keytool –keystore keystore –genkey –alias xyz.com -keyalg rsa -keysize 2048

  2. Generate CSR

    $ keytool –keystore keystore –certreq –alias xyz.com –keyalg rsa -keysize 2048 –file client.csr

  3. Get Certificate from CA. It contains two certificates.

    a. ssl_certificate

    b. Intermediate certificate

  4. Import signed certificate

    a. Import Intermediate Certificate

    keytool -import -keystore keystore -file Intermediate.cer -alias xyz.com_rsa

    b. Import SSL Certificate

    keytool -import -keystore keystore -file ssl_certificate.cer -alias xyz.com

Now, I had checked the signed certificate in Openfire Admin Console , I found a warning under TSL/SSL Certificate > Openfire Identity Certificate Store is

One or more certificates are missing. Click here to generate self-signed certificates or here to import a signed certificate and its private key.

but Identity is shown a certificate entry status signed .

Now, my questions are.

  1. is Certificate is successfully signed or anything needs to do?
  2. How will I check that my SSL Session is working for registered domain and port in Linux Box?
  3. How to verify that the https is working for Openfire?

Note: I delete my self-signed certificate entry.

https://xmpp.net/ provides an online test tool for XMPP connectivity, with a strong emphasis on security. I advise that you use that.

An alternative is using openssl. Typically, XMPP servers use STARTTLS on port 5222, which you can check like this:

openssl s_client -connect example.org:5222 -starttls xmpp

You can check if your ssl certificate is successfully installed using this site https://www.sslcerty.com .

you will know if your website's ssl certificate is installed properly, and also all infromation about your certificate's chain information.

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