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Jquery analogue for html innerHTML + =

I need to put value from button to text place.I do this .
But it just replaces the text I need when I need just to + this value.Like value is 5 then then again + 5 so it will be 55 .

Instead of:


You may use:

.text( function ) : where function returning the text content to set. Receives the index position of the element in the set and the old text value as arguments.

An example:

 $('#btn').on('click', function(e) { var val = $(this).val(); $('#txt').text(function(idx, txt) { return txt + val; }); }) 
 <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script> <p id="txt"></p> <button id="btn" value="5">Click Me</button> 

If you're looking to get the contents of a button and then add to it, you need to do the following. Let's say the button is as follows:

<button id="someButton">5</button>

You want to add 5 to it so the button says 10.

var buttonText = parseInt($("#someButton").text()) + 5; //results in 10

As you can see, I used parseInt to ensure the number was seen an integer so you could perform addition on it.

 function addText () { document.getElementById('paragraph').innerHTML += $('#buttonID').val(); } 

Try this. This += to the innerHTML as opposed to re-assigning. It is a JavaScript/jQuery hybrid, which I hope is okay, but there is also this pure jQuery method that uses the .append() method that @Patrick Evans mentioned.

 $(document).ready(function () { $('#paragraph').append($('#buttonID').val()); }); 

Hope this helped.

If you're looking to just append values:

<button class="display-value">5</button>

<button id="plus">+</button>

Now you can do this in jQuery:

$('#plus').on('click' , () => {
    let val = $('.display-value').text();
    $('.display-value').text((val + val));
    return false;

If you're looking to perform a mathematical operation then, you will have to use parseInt .

$('#plus').on('click' , () => {
     let val = parseInt($('.display-value').text());
     $('.display-value').text((val + val));
     return false;

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