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Unable to fetch data from Facebook API

I created an app which take photos from Facebook. I have two questions

  1. When I run my app from emulator and login with Facebook with my account I get the data, but when I run it on real device (my wife device and there is her Facebook account) the data is nil.

  2. How can I get a full size photos? Here is my request

     FBSDKGraphRequest(graphPath: "me/albums", parameters: ["fields":"id, name, cover_photo{picture}, photos{picture.type(large)} 

But type (large) doesn't work anymore

There are two ways to check this.

1. You should go to developers.facebook.com and add your wife's account to Roles section.

2. You should check if the app is in development phase, if so then only you can use it to get data. In order to get data from all accounts you need to make it public.


Select the suitable permissions and submit for review after you have completed all the details.


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