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Ionic-3 how to change the ionic theme dynamically

I need to change my ionic app theme dynamically. $color theme value should be rendered from database

Give me some idea to short out this!


With Ionic 4 and CSS 4 this is a very simple task. Please see this article .


import { Injectable, Inject } from '@angular/core';
import { DOCUMENT } from '@angular/common';
import { DomController } from '@ionic/angular';

interface Theme {
  name: string;
  styles: ThemeStyle[];

interface ThemeStyle {
  themeVariable: string;
  value: string;

  providedIn: 'root'
export class ThemeSwitcherService {

  private themes: Theme[] = [];
  private currentTheme: number = 0;

  constructor(private domCtrl: DomController, @Inject(DOCUMENT) private document) { 

    this.themes = [
        name: 'day',
        styles: [
          { themeVariable: '--ion-color-primary', value: '#f8383a'},
          { themeVariable: '--ion-color-primary-rgb', value: '248,56,58'},
          { themeVariable: '--ion-color-primary-contrast', value: '#ffffff'},
          { themeVariable: '--ion-color-primary-contrast-rgb', value: '255,255,255'},
          { themeVariable: '--ion-color-primary-shade', value: '#da3133'},
          { themeVariable: '--ion-color-primary-tint', value: '#f94c4e'},
          { themeVariable: '--ion-item-ios-background-color', value: '#ffffff'},
          { themeVariable: '--ion-item-md-background-color', value: '#ffffff'},
          { themeVariable: '--ion-tabbar-background-color', value: '#fff'},
          { themeVariable: '--ion-tabbar-ios-text-color-active', value: '#000000'},
          { themeVariable: '--ion-tabbar-md-text-color-active', value: '#000000'},
          { themeVariable: '--ion-background-color', value: '#f94c4e'}
        name: 'night',
        styles: [
          { themeVariable: '--ion-color-primary', value: '#222428'},
          { themeVariable: '--ion-color-primary-rgb', value: '34,34,34'},
          { themeVariable: '--ion-color-primary-contrast', value: '#ffffff'},
          { themeVariable: '--ion-color-primary-contrast-rgb', value: '255,255,255'},
          { themeVariable: '--ion-color-primary-shade', value: '#1e2023'},
          { themeVariable: '--ion-color-primary-tint', value: '#383a3e'},
          { themeVariable: '--ion-item-ios-background-color', value: '#717171'},
          { themeVariable: '--ion-item-md-background-color', value: '#717171'},
          { themeVariable: '--ion-tabbar-background-color', value: '#222428'},
          { themeVariable: '--ion-tabbar-ios-text-color-active', value: '#ffffff'},
          { themeVariable: '--ion-tabbar-md-text-color-active', value: '#ffffff'},
          { themeVariable: '--ion-background-color', value: '#383838'}


  cycleTheme(): void {

    if(this.themes.length > this.currentTheme + 1){
    } else {
      this.currentTheme = 0;



  setTheme(name): void {

    let theme = this.themes.find(theme => theme.name === name);

    this.domCtrl.write(() => {

      theme.styles.forEach(style => {
        document.documentElement.style.setProperty(style.themeVariable, style.value);




我们无法动态更改$ color值,但是我们必须通过为主题创建单独的SCSS文件来更改主题,这里是参考GitHub项目https://github.com/yannbf/ionic3-components/tree/master/src/theme

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