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How to perform CRUD operations in Ionic-3?

I want to know how to insert the data from the user in the form of from and perform the crud app with the jsonserver how can I do it.is my rest.ts file

    // page with the api 
    public getProducts(): Observable<any> {
      return this.http
      .get(this.baseUrl + '/products')

This is my list.ts file

//page to shown 

      (newProduct) => {
        this.products = this.products.concat(newProduct);

This is my list.html file

 //page with the form handling
    <form (ngSubmit)="onCreateProduct(product)" #product="ngForm" class="list-form">
       <td>Enter name</td>
        <ion-input [(ngModel)]="product.name" class="form-control" name="name" type="text" #name="ngModel">
       <td>Enter cost</td>
       <td><ion-input[(ngModel)]="product.cost" class="form-control" name="cost" type="text" #cost="ngModel">

       <td colspan="2">
        <button ion-button >CREATE</button>  


    <h3>Product Details</h3>
       <th> Id</th>
      <tr *ngFor="let product of products" >
       <button ion-button (click)="onEditProduct(product)">Edit </button>
        <button ion-button (click)="onRemoveProduct(product)">Delete </button>
        <button ion-button (click)="onUpdateProduct(product)">UPDATE </button>

You can't expect someone to implement the entirely of your CRUD application for you. I would suggest you give the Ionic Academy a look to start off from.

Some guidelines:

  • You to have all logic in one place (usually a service that gets called)
  • You will then need to create storage service that is actually going to store the data whether it be local storage like in the tutorial or a database. I would suggest sticking with local storage until you have things figured out
  • Read up on promises , they are your friend.

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