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Securing Spring Boot service with keycloak - JWT token

So, I'm using keycloak to secure my services. Client app gets access token from keycloak server and uses it to secure access to Spring boot app. I've configured my Spring Boot application with keycloak properties using bearer-only access type:

keycloak.realm = master
keycloak.realmKey = ...
keycloak.auth-server-url = http://localhost:8080/auth
keycloak.ssl-required = external
keycloak.resource = boot-app
keycloak.bearer-only = true
keycloak.cors = true

Spring boot keycloak starter:


And configuring KeycloakWebSecurityConfigurerAdapter:

@ComponentScan(basePackageClasses = KeycloakSecurityComponents.class)
public class KeycloakSecurityConfig extends KeycloakWebSecurityConfigurerAdapter
   * Registers the KeycloakAuthenticationProvider with the authentication manager.
  public void configureGlobal(final AuthenticationManagerBuilder auth) throws Exception
    final KeycloakAuthenticationProvider keycloakAuthenticationProvider = keycloakAuthenticationProvider();
    keycloakAuthenticationProvider.setGrantedAuthoritiesMapper(new SimpleAuthorityMapper());

  public KeycloakConfigResolver keycloakConfigResolver()
    return new KeycloakSpringBootConfigResolver();

   * Defines the session authentication strategy.
  protected SessionAuthenticationStrategy sessionAuthenticationStrategy()
    return new RegisterSessionAuthenticationStrategy(new SessionRegistryImpl());

  protected void configure(final HttpSecurity http) throws Exception

Now, everything works fine. My question is: Bearer token is JWT token, all you need to decode it (and verify access) is public key, which is


Why would you need other settings, specificaly:


Isn't public key everything you need?

Thanks in advance

Indeed for a bearer-only you could wonder why the KC URL is needed but since a few KC versions the realmKey is not mandatory anymore since we are use key rotation. It means that your app will retrieve dynamically the public key from the KC server using the auth-server-url property.

If you have a spring-boot application, latest spring-security will handle it neatly. All you need is to define jwks-uri in the application properties and the required dependencies.



Note that, you can also use issuer uri instead of jwks, if you want


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