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MySQL select from two tables where one column contain 2 variables

I have two tables :

The first table is tbl_ccompany

db_id   db_cname
 1         xxx
 2         yyy

The second table tbl_marketing

db_mid db_name db_ccompany
1       ggg     1,2

In tbl_marketing db_ccompany contain the id of the first table

I want to select the db_cname to print the out put will be like this

1  ggg xxx,yyy

I try the left join between this two table but only i receive the first name

from tbl_marketing as marketing
left join tbl_ccompany as ccompany

How can i join the tables and have the output i want ?

SELECT db_mid,db_name,GROUP_CONCAT(db_cname) FROM tbl_marketing LEFT JOIN tbl_ccompany on db_id=db_ccompany WHERE db_ccompany in(1,2)

I hope this helps.

Database Structure:

create table tbl_ccompany (
db_id int,
db_cname text );

insert into tbl_ccompany values (1,'xxx');
insert into tbl_ccompany values (2,'yyy');

create table tbl_marketing (
db_mid int ,
db_name text,
db_ccompany text

insert into tbl_marketing values (1,'ggg','1,2');


select db_mid, db_name, group_concat(db_cname) 
from tbl_ccompany tc , tbl_marketing tm
where find_in_set(tc.db_id,tm.db_ccompany)

Reference: http://amitbrothers.blogspot.in/2014/03/mysql-split-comma-separated-list-into.html

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