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Ruby on Rails error handling

In my production Ruby on Rails app, a 500 error page will show the source code of the controller where the error occurred. Obviously these errors should be handled in the first place, but I am dealing with a ton of legacy code.

Is there a way to create a custom error page that will not reveal my source code when an error is thrown?

In you development.rb general configuration of your app, there's a flag

config.consider_all_requests_local = true

which is true , by default, in development. If you set that to false (the default in production), you can see the error page that users will see in your production app. This page is in public/500.html and public/404.html if you want to customize those.

You can also search around for ways to have Rails use ERB to create a custom error page, there are lots of tutorials on that, but I haven't used any and thus can't recommend one.

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