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Phone number format from country code on iOS

I need to display phone number format as placeholder in UITextField . How can I do that?

For country selection I'm using below mentioned library and it provides me country flag and country code against user selected country.


After selecting a country I need to display phone number format for that selected country and on submission of that phone number I have to validate the phone number.

I also find that third party ( PhoneNumberKit ) which is inspired by google's libphonenumber but it is for validating, it do not provide expected phone number format against country code. Below is the link.


Update 1: Tried this and getting Generic parser error

let phoneNumberKit = PhoneNumberKit()

do {
    let phoneNumber = try phoneNumberKit.parse("+921230123456")
catch {
    print("Generic parser error")

Update 2: Updated code, still getting exception

let phoneNumberKit = PhoneNumberKit()

do {
    let phoneNumber = try phoneNumberKit.parse("1230123456", withRegion: "FR", ignoreType: false)
    let formatedNumber = phoneNumberKit.format(phoneNumber, toType: .international)
catch {
    print("Generic parser error")

I don't know whether this is a valid solution or not, you could try this

Say let your placeholder be 012345679 what I believe you could do is

  • Create a variable to store this placeholder
  • Parse this placeholder against the country that the user selects.
  • Set the parsed one as the placeholder in the textfield.

For those who wanna do the same thing, I used two different 3rd parties to achieve the functionality.

  1. NKVPhoneNumber
  2. SHSPhoneComponent

NKVPhoneNumber is used to select country code, i've modified it a bit a introduced phone_format in the Meta Data. Once selected a country from the list it return a Country object which includes Code, Extension, Flag and format_placeholder

SHSPhoneComponent then use that format_placeholder for validation of the format.

import SHSPhoneComponent
import NKVPhonePicker

@IBOutlet weak var phoneTF: SHSPhoneTextField!
@IBOutlet weak var phoneFlag: NKVPhonePickerTextField!
@IBOutlet weak var lblCountryCode: UILabel!

//MARK: - NKV callback delegates

func countriesViewController(_ sender: CountriesViewController, didSelectCountry country: Country) {

    phoneTF.text = ""
    phoneTF.placeholder = country.formatPatternPlaceHolder
    countryCode = "+\(country.phoneExtension)"

    lblCountryCode.text = countryCode

Note: I've converted NVKPhoneNumber to Swift 4.0 ,

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