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Automatically copy excel values not formulas

I am looking for an automatic version of this feature: https://www.technipages.com/excel-copy-and-paste-values-without-formulas

Is there a built in Excel function that can do this automatically without manually copy/pasting each cell? I have a column of functions and I want to have another column of values beside it.


I'm not sure what you mean by "automatically", but this should at least speed up the process:

  1. Select the cells you want to copy the content from and press CTRL+C
  2. Click in the new cell and instead of using CTRL+V, use CTRL+ALT+V. This will open a dialogue box, in which you have to check "values". This can be done with another keyboard shortcut V (english version of Excel, might be something else in your language).

This might seem complex, but it's actually pretty fast. Instead of pasting the cells with CTRL+V, you now paste the pure cell values with CTRL+ALT+V + V (+ ENTER, depending on whether you use the english verion or not).

This at least saves you from using the mouse and clicking through additional menues. Hope that helps!

@J Connor, if I'm not mistaken you are in need of PROGRAMMING method, as you have written Automatically.

Here are few simple steps to get the Solution.

Method 1

Range("A1:B10").Copy Destination:=Range("E1")

Method 2

Range("A1:B10").Copy Range("E1").Select ActiveSheet.Paste

Few more I can suggest.

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