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Pandas: Merging columns in a data frame with new columns created for the common variables

I have the following dataframe:

1 ,val1     ,4    ,7    ,2    ,8    ,1    ,3    ,2    ,9    ,2    ,0    ,9    ,2
2 ,val2     ,2    ,3    ,8    ,     ,     ,     ,1    ,5    ,3    ,     ,     , 

And I would like to merge the columns "[Foo|Bar][A|B]\\d+" so that they become the following, ie the different combinations of the multiple columns are merged and appropriate new columns are created to contain the variable representing those variations:

ID,SomeValue,FooBar    ,AB    ,Num    ,Val
1 ,val1     ,Foo       ,A     ,1      ,4
1 ,val1     ,Foo       ,A     ,2      ,7
1 ,val1     ,Foo       ,A     ,3      ,2
1 ,val1     ,Foo       ,B     ,1      ,8
1 ,val1     ,Foo       ,B     ,2      ,1
1 ,val1     ,Foo       ,B     ,3      ,3
1 ,val1     ,Bar       ,A     ,1      ,2
1 ,val1     ,Bar       ,A     ,2      ,9
1 ,val1     ,Bar       ,A     ,3      ,2
1 ,val1     ,Bar       ,B     ,1      ,0
1 ,val1     ,Bar       ,B     ,2      ,9
1 ,val1     ,Bar       ,B     ,3      ,2
2 ,val2     ,Foo       ,A     ,1      ,2
2 ,val2     ,Foo       ,A     ,2      ,3
2 ,val2     ,Foo       ,A     ,3      ,8
2 ,val2     ,Bar       ,A     ,1      ,1
2 ,val2     ,Bar       ,A     ,2      ,5
2 ,val2     ,Bar       ,A     ,3      ,3

Note that there can be empty values, as for example in row 2 above and those should not be included in the final set.

This must be fairly simple to do, but I'm new to pandas and am struggling to find the right commands to use.

Thanks in advance for your help.

You can use:

df = df.set_index(['ID','SomeValue']).stack().reset_index(name='Val')
df[['FooBar','AB','Num']] = df.pop('level_2').str.extract('(Foo|Bar)(A|B)(\d+)', expand=True)
cols = ['ID', 'SomeValue', 'FooBar', 'AB', 'Num','Val']
df = df.reindex_axis(cols, axis=1)
print (df)
    ID SomeValue FooBar AB Num  Val
0    1      val1    Foo  A   1  4.0
1    1      val1    Foo  A   2  7.0
2    1      val1    Foo  A   3  2.0
3    1      val1    Foo  B   1  8.0
4    1      val1    Foo  B   2  1.0
5    1      val1    Foo  B   3  3.0
6    1      val1    Bar  A   1  2.0
7    1      val1    Bar  A   2  9.0
8    1      val1    Bar  A   3  2.0
9    1      val1    Bar  B   1  0.0
10   1      val1    Bar  B   2  9.0
11   1      val1    Bar  B   3  2.0
12   2      val2    Foo  A   1  2.0
13   2      val2    Foo  A   2  3.0
14   2      val2    Foo  A   3  8.0
15   2      val2    Foo  B   1  1.0
16   2      val2    Foo  B   2  5.0
17   2      val2    Foo  B   3  3.0

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