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PHP arrow operator closing tags

I am writing a php app on the websever I set up at my house. It is a fedora10 machine, running php5 and mysql. I have code like this:

<?php echo $var->function(); ?>

But for some reason the -> is closing the php tag, so the output has 'function(); ?' added to it...is there something I need to change in my php or webserver configuration?

I dont think that you have mod_php enabled in your apache config file, or else you would never see the php code in the output. Here is a good tutorial on setting up php 5 in apache.

I had the same problem with a standard XAMPP installation.


Solved it.


<?php echo("foo"); ?>

If that doesn't work, you don't have PHP enabled in Apache.

If your're sure that php is enabled, try this one

$result = $var -> function();
echo $result;

to debug it a little.. maybe something interesting will raise

Is the php enabled on server? A simple test for determining it:

<?php phpinfo();?>

Put the above line in a .php file and access it.

You could also try this:

<?php phpinfo();

Final closing php tag isn't required.

I ran into a similar problem the other day but I was using bar ?> instead of bar; ?>

It turned out that the short_open_tag option was disabled in my PHP configuration.

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