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For a web site set to run with a SSL certificate, what is the purpose of SSL settings in IIS Manager and what do they do?

I have sites set to run securly with a SSL certificate. In the IIS Manager when clicking the site node I get in the middle of the screen a list of features having different settings that can be set. One of them is called SSL Settings. Double clicking shows a page stating:

This page lets you modify the SSL settings for the content of a websit or application

It gives options of a check box Require SSL and a radio list Client Certificate with three options, 1. Ignore , 2. Accept , 3. Require .

What's the significance of each option and what do they do?

I tried searching in Google but didn't find anything.

Select Ignore if you do not want to accept a client certificate even if a client presents one.

Select Accept to accept client certificates.

Select Require to require client certificates. To use Require Client Certificates, you must enable Require SSL.

Taken from here Specify Whether to Use Client Certificates (IIS 7)

This section are some further settings on IIS for a web application once you have received a certificate to make a website secure (HTTPS).

These instructions may put some context to the SSL settings area: https://support.microsoft.com/en-gb/help/324069/how-to-set-up-an-https-service-in-iis

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