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c# ,Get Generic Type Property from Abstract Factory Classes

I am implementing the abstract factory pattern to create a dynamic Matrix DataTable. The idea is create different generator instance base on a factory class. However, at the end of the structure, i wish to obtain the end result as an object that would going to expose to the MVC View. The problem is I cant think of a way to extract the output because the generator instance bear with generic attribute. My code is like this :

Enum and Generic Classes

public enum GeneratorType
        GenericBudgetGenerator = 1

public class GenericMatrix<T>
    public List<string> MatrixHeaders { set; get; }
    public List<T> MatrixRow { set; get; }
    public T MatrixFooterRow { set; get; }

public class GenericItemRow
        public string EntityName { set; get; }
        public List<double> Values { set; get; }
        public double Total { set; get; }


Generator and Interface

public interface IGenerator
        void Build();

public interface IMatrixGenerator<TRow>
        : IGenerator
        IEnumerable<TRow> CreateCellValues();

public class MatrixGeneratorFactory
    public static IGenerator Create(Enum _type)
        switch (_type)
            case GeneratorType.GenericGenerator :
                return new GenericGenerator ();
                throw new ArgumentException("No generator exist");

public class MatrixGeneratorBase
            public void BuildMatrixTemplate()
              //some logic


public class GenericGenerator : MatrixGeneratorBase, IMatrixGenerator<GenericItemRow>

        public IEnumerable<GenericItemRow> CreateCellValues()
              //some logic here

        public void Build()

             GenericMatrix<GenericBudgetValueMatrixRow> _genericMatrix = new GenericMatrix<GenericBudgetValueMatrixRow>();

              _genericMatrix = //Some logic here


Client Code

 class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
       IGenerator generator = MatrixGeneratorFactory.Create(GeneratorType.GenericGenerator );

     //How can i get the _genericMatrix out from the generator instance


Since the _genericMatrix is a strong typed property in the GenericGenerator, i cant find a way to retrieve it back with the IGenerator.

You need to create public property for this. As there is no way you can access private variable using object of any class.

I suppose, Build should return the created matrix, so it becomes

public interface IGenerator
    object Build();


public class GenericGenerator : MatrixGeneratorBase, IMatrixGenerator<GenericItemRow>
    public object Build()

         var genericMatrix = new GenericMatrix<GenericBudgetValueMatrixRow>();

         genericMatrix = //Some logic here

         return genericMatrix;


Like Haukinger said: return the genericMatrix would be the simplest way, but I would define the Generator generic too, because you would want to build different Matrices. So you can do this:

public interface IGenerator
    IMatrix Build();

public class GenericGenerator<TRow> : MatrixGeneratorBase, 
IMatrixGenerator<GenericItemRow> where TRow : GenericItemRow

        public IEnumerable<GenericItemRow> CreateCellValues()
          //some logic here

    public IMatrix Build()

         GenericMatrix<TRow> _genericMatrix = new 

          _genericMatrix = //Some logic here
          return _genericMatrix;



public interface IMatrix
  //Properties that you need to use.

public class GenericMatrix<T> : IMatrix  where T : GenericItemRow
    public List<string> MatrixHeaders { set; get; }
    public List<T> MatrixRow { set; get; }
    public T MatrixFooterRow { set; get; }

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