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How to group SonarLint for Eclipse 3.2.0 results by severity (MAJOR, MINOR, CRITICAL)?

How can I group or sort the SonarLint for Eclipse analysis results by severity?

I have installed SonarLint For Eclipse plugin version 3.2.0 in Eclipse Java EE IDE for Web Developers version Neon.2 4.6.2. I right-click on an Eclipse project and select SonarLint->Analyze . Eclipse populates the SonarLint Report view with a "flat" list of all issues found. Sadly, there appears to be no way to group or sort the items by severity major, minor and critical.

This is a known missing feature of SonarLint For Eclipse .

If you'd like the feature, vote for this JIRA issue: Add filtering capabilities on the On-The-Fly and Report views based on issue classifications
which has the description:

We could offer:
filter / group by issue severity
filter / group by issue type
filter issue tag (no group by since tags are not limited to a fixed list of values)

Note that the SonarLint for IntellJ also lacks this feature according to this StackOverflow item:
How to group Sonar results by severity (MAJOR, MINOR,CRITICAL) in intellij community edition

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