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In microservices with jhipster, when i use UAA Server, the user entity is in the database of UAA server or Gateway?

I'm reading about of UAA server, and have one doubt... If i have a project with microservices (MS), with:

  • UAA server
  • MS type gateway (using UAA authentication)
  • MS type application (using UAA authentication)

I understand that the UAA server , creates User entity in your own database (for example db_uaa), but my doubt is born when i think about the MS gateway .

The MS gateway too creates another User entity in your own database (db_gateway) or the MS gateway no creates User entity in your database (db_gateway), because it uses the UAA authentication.

I hope you can help me to clarify this doubt, thanks.

Users are stored on UAA side only.

The Gateway which supports the client side (ie, authentication and user-management) will access to users through some exposed UAA services.

If you need to access to the user entity from another microservice, look at the @Feign concept.

Hope this helps.

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