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How to bind controllers to generated HTML pages dynamically in AngularJS?

So far I have the ability to generate new HTML pages with PHP code. I already have some pages, but I can generate new with a click of a button. It sets it up in such a way that it stores all of its information in JSON file with: name of the file, "when" component for angular route provider, the templateUrl, and a controller name.

Here is an example of JSON file:

  "pages": [
    "name": "index",
    "when": "/",
    "controller": "indexController",
    "template": "views/index.html"

I need somehow to bind the controllers to these generated pages, so that they will point to my HTML code with ng-view .

My HTML code has this:

  <div ng-view class="{{pageClass}}"></div>

My static Angular code had this (written manually, not generated dynamically):

when('/', {
  templateUrl: '/views/index.html',
  controller: 'indexController'
app.controller('indexController', function($scope) {
  $scope.pageClass = 'index';

The controller allowed me to insert index.html template onto the ng-view section with class="{{pageClass}}". (I also could have used ng-class="{pageClass}")

Now, however, I generate the pages dynamically , which doesn't register controllers and binds the templates to the pageClass:

var app = angular.module('myApp', ['ngRoute']);

var $routeProviderReference;
app.config(['$routeProvider', function($routeProvider) {
  $routeProviderReference = $routeProvider;

app.run(['$route','$http','$rootScope',function($route, $http, $rootScope){
  $http.get('temp.json') // load data 
    var result = data.data.pages; // data from JSON file
    var i;
    var currentRoute;
    for (i = 0; i< result.length; i++){ // for every existing HTML page
      currentRoute = result[i];
      var routeName = currentRoute.when;
      $routeProviderReference.when(routeName, { // assign template and controller
        templateUrl: currentRoute.template,
        controller: currentRoute.controller

I get an error with this method, even though is partially works: Error: [$controller:ctrlreg]

How do I bind my controllers in this case? It should look like this:

app.controller(currentRoute.controller, function($scope) {
  $scope.pageClass = currentRoute.name;

Seems like I had to modify the controller and turn it into a function:

templateUrl: currentRoute.template,
controller: function($scope) {
  $scope.pageClass = currentRoute.name;

This will paste a selected page into ng-view inside of pageClass

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