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Importing MySQL query into Microsoft Excel using Power Query

I'm trying to import a MySQL query into MS Excel using Power Query. I get a database connection error, although everything else is working fine (the query, in a different program, included). I assume this would be due to the fact that the code contains user-defined variables, as such:

    SET @c:=1

Apparently Power Query doesn't like that, because replacing all instances of this variable makes the code work.

I could replace this variable by its value, but that would cost me a lot of time and would not be very elegant. I found what seemed to be a solution here , but if I try to do something along the lines of that, I get asked for permissions I cannot give, as this might affect the database.

Does anyone have an idea about what I need to do? Any workarounds? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

My general approach would be to rebuild the logic of the SQL script in Steps using the PQ UI. Eg the first FROM table becomes the first table/view you navigate to, JOIN becomes Merge Queries, WHERE clause becomes Filter steps, UNION becomes Append Queries, etc.

I've built a lot of amazingly complex Queries this way - one step at a time. It is a very flexible tool and a useful skill once you get going. After over 20 years of coding in SQL, I now use PQ as my SQL query tool of preference. It has so many advantages over custom code and generally it does a good job of "folding" your steps into a generated SQL statement.

Power Query has it's own Parameters functionality - perhaps you can use that to replace the variables. It depends on how your variables are being used.

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