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Remove element and insert its text into parent element in the same place with jQuery

I am writing a script to copy the content of an element to the parent element, and delete the element. The element and the parent element have the same class. For example:

Before the script runs:

<span class='SomeClass'>  
    <span class='SomeClass'>


<span class='SomeClass'>  

Below is my code. The text of element which is inside ("Copied") ends up on the end of line, not between "Some" and "Text". How can I fix it?

 if ($('.SomeClass > .SomeClass').length > 0) { $('.SomeClass > .SomeClass').each(function(index, event) { $(this).parent().append($(this).html()); $(this).remove(); }); } 
 <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script> <span class="SomeClass"> Some <span class="SomeClass"> Copied </span> Text </span> 

Instead of removing the original <span> in its entirety, you can use contents() and unwrap() to strip the opening and closing tags.

Using this method, the $.each and if are unnecessary.

 $('.SomeClass > .SomeClass').contents().unwrap(); 
 <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script> <span class="SomeClass"> Some <span class="SomeClass"> Copied </span> Text </span> <br><br> <span class="SomeClass"> Another <span class="SomeClass"> Copied </span> Text </span> 

See .replaceWith() method http://api.jquery.com/replacewith/

 if ($('.SomeClass > .SomeClass').length > 0) { $('.SomeClass > .SomeClass').replaceWith(function() { return $(this).text() }); } 
 <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script> <span class="SomeClass"> Some <span class="SomeClass"> Copied </span> Text </span> 

Try jQuery replaceWith

var a = $('.SomeClass > .SomeClass');


replaceWith will replace each element in the set of matched elements with the provided new content and return the set of elements that was removed


All of these answers use jQuery. Here's one with only native JS. Use

parent.innerHTML = parent.innerHTML.replace(child.outerHTML, child.innerHTML);

Here is a fully functional recursive example that filters out duplicate classes in the child.

 /** * @function mergeHierarchy * @param {HTMLElement} parent - The root element to start merging under * @return {undefined} */ function mergeHierarchy(parent) { var parentClasses = parent.className.split(' '); parentClasses.sort(); // for comparing // only merge hierarchy if parent has any children if (parent.children.length == 0) return; // iterate over children for (var i=0; i<parent.children.length; i++) { var child = parent.children[i]; // recurse if child has children if (child.children.length > 0) mergeHierarchy(child); var childClasses = child.className.split(' '); childClasses.sort(); // for comparing // if parent classes differ from child classes, then move onto the next child (after removing any duplicated classes) if (childClasses.length != parentClasses.length || !childClasses.every(function(item,i) { return item === parentClasses[i];} )) { // remove duplicate classes from child (if any) for (var c=0; c<childClasses.length; c++) { if (parentClasses.indexOf(childClasses[c]) > -1) childClasses.splice(c, 1); } child.className = childClasses.join(' '); continue; } // remove child from DOM and insert innerHTML into parentf parent.innerHTML = parent.innerHTML.replace(child.outerHTML, child.innerHTML); } } mergeHierarchy(document.querySelector('.SomeClass')); console.log(document.querySelector('.SomeClass').innerHTML); 
 .SomeClass { color: red; } .SomeOtherClass { font-family: monospace; } 
 <span class='SomeClass'> Some <span class='SomeClass'> Copied <div class='SomeClass SomeOtherClass'> (Moved) </div> </span> Text </span> 

Please note that, since strings are immutable in JavaScript, reseting the innerHTML will replace any child elements with new ones, which may interfere with DOM access.

just change the method html(), which will return the HTML code, use text() which will basically return the similar to element.innerText in Vanilla

 if ($('.SomeClass > .SomeClass').length > 0) { $('.SomeClass > .SomeClass').each(function(index, event) { //$(this).parent().append($(this).html()); $(this).parent().append($(this).text()); $(this).remove(); }); } 
 <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script> <span class="SomeClass"> Some <span class="SomeClass"> Copied </span> Text </span> 

 if ($('.SomeClass > .SomeClass').length > 0) { $('.SomeClass > .SomeClass').each(function(index, event) { $(this).parent().append($(this).text()); $(this).remove(); }); } 
 <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script> <span class="SomeClass"> Some <span class="SomeClass"> Copied </span> Text </span> 

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