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Python (Filename + Sha1) generator

I have a problem with my algorithm apparently it skips a lot of sha1 hashes when executing.

No problem with the filename, but im having problem with having this output:

filename + sha1 \\n

For every each of them. I can guess it`s because of os.walk in some way but im not that expert ATM.

    txt = open('list','w')
for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(dir_path):
    text = str(filenames)
    for tag in ("[", "]", " ","'"):
        text = text.replace(tag, '')
    text = str(text.replace(',','\n'))
    for i in filenames:
        m = hashlib.sha1(str(text).encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()
        txt.write(text+" "+str(m)+"\n")
txt = txt.close()



txt = open('list','w')


txt = open('list','a')

You are using "w" which overwrites any previous content. You need "a", which appends to the existing file without overwriting.

What looks like a potential issue is that you are converting filenames , which is a list of each individual file in the current folder, into a string and then performing replacements on that list. I assume what you intended to do instead was replace within each filename string those special tags . Try the below.

    txt = open('list','w')
for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(dir_path):
    for text in filenames:
        text = re.sub('[\[\]," "]',"",text)
        m = hashlib.sha1(str(text).encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()
        txt.write(text+" "+str(m)+"\n")
txt = txt.close()

As requested, if you dont' want to use re , just do what you had originally done:

text = 'fjkla[]  k,, a,[,]dd,]'
for badchar in '[]," "]':
    text = text.replace(badchar,"")

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