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JAXB ignores inner elements

I've been trying to unmarshall a self-created xml configuration file to an object with JAXB default implementation, I ignore why, but some inner elements and values are skipped giving me null results.

Here is the xml document :

        <domain-object class="xxx.xxx.core.business.mapping.Make">
                <source name="xxxxxx" class="xxx.xxx.core.web.common.model.xxxxxxx.output.MakeDTO">
                    <uri secured="true" value="xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"/>
                    <key name="api_key" mode="in_uri" value="xxxxxxxxxxxx"/>

this is the mapped class :

@XmlRootElement(name = "import-sources")
public class ImportSources {

    public static class DomainObject {

        public static class Source {

            public static class URI {

                private String value;

                private boolean secured;

            public static class Key {

                public enum Mode {

                private String name;

                private String value;

                private Mode mode;

            private String name;

            private URI uri;

            private Key key;

            @XmlElement(name = "class")
            private Class outputClass;

        @XmlAttribute(name = "class")
        private Class<? extends Entity> subjectClass;

        @XmlElement(name = "source")
        private Source[] sources;

    @XmlElementWrapper(name = "domain-objects")
    @XmlElement(name = "domain-object")
    private DomainObject[] domainObjects;

After parsing the document with Unmarshaller.unmarshall() all Source's fields are null, I can get its scalar fields if I replace its inner tag properties like so :


Which I want to avoid because of the redundancy.


I suggest to explicitly annotate fields as @XmlElement or @XmlAttribute correspondingly. Your class will look like the following then, and fields will get populated:

@XmlRootElement(name = "import-sources")
public class ImportSources {

    public static class DomainObject {

        public static class Source {

            public static class URI {

                @XmlAttribute //here
                private String value;

                @XmlAttribute //here
                private boolean secured;

            public static class Key {

                public enum Mode {

                @XmlAttribute //here
                private String name;

                @XmlAttribute //here
                private String value;

                @XmlAttribute //here
                private Mode mode;

            @XmlAttribute //here
            private String name;

            @XmlElement //here
            private URI uri;

            @XmlElement //here
            private Key key;

            @XmlElement(name = "class")
            private Class outputClass;

        @XmlAttribute(name = "class")
        private Class<? extends Entity> subjectClass;

        @XmlElement(name = "source")
        private Source[] sources;

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