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Ethereum Pending Transaction

I am trying to send a transaction.

eth.sendTransaction({from: eth.accounts[0], to: eth.accounts[1], value: web3.toWei(5, "ether")})

eth.sendTransaction({from: eth.accounts[0], to: eth.accounts[1], value: web3.toWei(5, "ether")})

INFO [08-25|21:14:21] Submitted transaction
fullhash=0xe1b58ddcb6d8c3f3a8308e0eb275f10c0c3b7bd8807cd24ff6a315a3917ab2a5 recipient=0x939f34bc9253a62927871c889bcf62f398d264a6 INFO [08-25|21:14:29] Submitted transaction
fullhash=0x33ca6bb00a70de13bd8b1fdec5d0a7995ad09a90e416ac8ab686fc650a324331 recipient=0x939f34bc9253a62927871c889bcf62f398d264a6 INFO [08-25|21:14:57] Updated mining threads threads=1 INFO [08-25|21:14:57] Transaction pool price threshold updated price=18000000000 INFO [08-25|21:14:57] Starting mining operation INFO [08-25|21:14:57] Commit new mining work
number=1 txs=2 uncles=0 elapsed=73.574ms

But when i run


i am able to see the list of above sent transactions SO my question is When will the transactions be mined?

PS- i am running it on my local machine(private blockchain)

Thanks in advance :)

If you are using private blockchain then you can run miner.start() function using the console. After that it will take 5-6 min and miner will be ready to pick your transaction and automatically coinbase account balance will be increased.

Some time if you send very less gas and gasprice with your transaction with your transaction then may be transaction gets stuck. So please send enough gas with your transaction. It will get executed.

You can also send gas and gasprice in your command as below--

eth.sendTransaction({from: eth.coinbase, to: "0x154230ed91d1e711e56b9c0f88b5ba5fd2bghjgf", value: web3.toWei(5, "ether"),gas:21000,gasPrice:web3.toWei(45,"wei")})

Hope this will help

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