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delphi android firemonkey camera launch

I want to launch the phones native camera application from within my application. So I don't have to recreate a picture taking application. How do I do it.

Using 10.21

thanks robert

On Android, the tool called adb (bundled with Android SDK) is the bridge between computer and device. You can run commands from a terminal in order to interact with many features of Android OS.

With Delphi, your application can run the commands directly in cmd .

In order to take a picture, you can follow the tutorial here .

Then just pull the generated file from device, for instance adb pull /path/to/filename.jpg %USERPROFILE%\\Desktop\\ .

From a Delphi app you can use a TActionList and it's standard action TakePhotoFromCameraAction.

To use it from a button, add a TActionList to your form, on the button set Action property to TakePhotoFromCameraAction.

With code only:

  • add unit FMX.MediaLibrary.Actions
  • create a varaible TakePhotoFromCameraAction1 of type TTakePhotoFromCameraAction
  • set it's TakePhotoFromCameraAction1.DidFinishTaking event to a method like this :

    procedure TForm1.TakePhotoFromCameraAction1DidFinishTaking(Image: TBitmap); begin //... end;

  • call TakePhotoFromCameraAction1.Execute when needed

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